Why not run a fund raising event at work, at your school/college/university. For example a fancy dress or 'mufti' day, cake & produce sales, car boot sales, etc.
Why not raise money by doing a sponsored run or cycle ride either at a local or national event, or why not organise your own. You can download and print off our sponsorship form.
Regular donations will help enormously with our cash flow projections and can be made monthly, quarterly or annually. In return we will send you an email newsletter (planned to be quarterly) bringing you up to date with the charity.
If you would like to make a regular contribution then please print off our Standing Order form here.
This should then be completed and sent to your own bank with a copy to us at the above address.
If you are a UK taxpayer please complete the Gift Aid section to help SpreadingHealth to reclaim the tax.
Please use Bank Transfer to send your donation direct to our account at:-
sort code : 60-83-01 (Unity Trust Bank)
Account No : 20205733 (Spreading Health)
Many thanks, anything you send will make a big difference in Cameroon.
Made out to Spreading Health. Please send to Spreading Health c/o 63 Uplands Road,
Bournemouth BH8 9SR
Please collect up your cash/sponsorship money etc, write us a cheque for the amount and send it in (see By Cheque above) with your sponsorship form or a breakdown of how the money was collected and we will send you a receipt with our thanks.
Easyfundraiser is an organisation that gives us a donation whenever you buy on-line from many retailers. By registering with them and making Spreading Health your chosen charity, you will make small donations everytime you buy something through them without incurring any extra cost to yourself. These donations really do make a difference.
Please click on the box below to find out more and join our Easyfundraiser supporters!! Thanks.
We aim to work in partnership with rural communities in the developing world who want to develop the health care in their villages.
UK Registered Charity Number: 1131624